Tag: executive

  • Backing up the Backups 🗄️

    Hola Flufferschnoots! I have an exciting update to share about the state of the OpenEgee backups.

  • Egee Restrings His Guitar

    Egee Restrings His Guitar

    Hello Flufferschnoots and welcome back to another video where I’m restringing my guitar! Lots of nice cloth and liquid polish noises in this one.

  • Can I Touch You Again? Remastered Video!

    Can I Touch You Again? Remastered Video!

    Hello Flufferschnoots! It’s visual trigger time. This is part 2 in my set of touchy-feely visual triggers. I’m glad to see these go over so well because they are fun to make!

  • BfEgee Makes You His Valentine Video!

    BfEgee Makes You His Valentine Video!

    Hey Flufferschnoots! It’s Valentines Day today and I have an exclusive BfEgee roleplay to share with you!

  • BfEgee Makes You His Valentine Audio!

    Hey you Flufferschnoots, here’s the full-length audio of BfEgee making you his Valentine!

  • Sevastopol Egee Cuts Your Hair!

    Sevastopol Egee Cuts Your Hair!

    Hey Flufferschnoots! Egee is back to help you aboard Sevastopol Station. But this time, it’s to cut that shaggy do of yours!

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