Tag: pouring
Space Egee lookin’ at ya
I’ve posted audio and videos here on the site and they work great. But how do images look?
Floofy Egee Softpaws Audio!
I’ve been super happy with the ActivityPub integration so far. It handles links and images remarkably well. Let’s see how it handles audio! Here is a teaser from a commission, which I do occasionally for supporters. It’s from a delightful roleplay with Floofy Egee. And his super soft paws! 🐾
Art Teaser & Update
There’s an Art Teaser for the next roleplay up on Ko-fi and Patreon! Curious to see what the Fedi plugin does when links are embeded in a toot..
Where’s my Fedi?
My last post didn’t make it’s way over to Fedi! Let’s see if this one does.. So, I draft it like any usual post but since I don’t want to blast out a Newsletter email, I turn all that off and make sure Fediverse visibility is set to Public… And fire away!
Sevastopol Egee Sutures Your Wounds!
Hello again Flufferschnoots! Egee has heard your pleas and is bringing back possibly the most requested roleplay of them all.
It’s Going To Be Alright
Hey Flufferschnoots! I found this in the backups and I thought you would appreciate it right about now.