Tag: water sounds

  • Space Egee lookin’ at ya

    I’ve posted audio and videos here on the site and they work great. But how do images look?

  • Floofy Egee Softpaws Audio!

    I’ve been super happy with the ActivityPub integration so far. It handles links and images remarkably well. Let’s see how it handles audio! Here is a teaser from a commission, which I do occasionally for supporters. It’s from a delightful roleplay with Floofy Egee. And his super soft paws! 🐾

  • Art Teaser & Update

    There’s an Art Teaser for the next roleplay up on Ko-fi and Patreon! Curious to see what the Fedi plugin does when links are embeded in a toot..

  • Where’s my Fedi?

    My last post didn’t make it’s way over to Fedi! Let’s see if this one does.. So, I draft it like any usual post but since I don’t want to blast out a Newsletter email, I turn all that off and make sure Fediverse visibility is set to Public… And fire away!

  • Sevastopol Egee Sutures Your Wounds!

    Sevastopol Egee Sutures Your Wounds!

    Hello again Flufferschnoots! Egee has heard your pleas and is bringing back possibly the most requested roleplay of them all.

  • It’s Going To Be Alright

    It’s Going To Be Alright

    Hey Flufferschnoots! I found this in the backups and I thought you would appreciate it right about now.

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