Egee’s up-close Crinkles & Tappies!

Hey Flufferschnoots! Ready for a new ramble? I’ve had a lot on my mind for topics. Mostly introspective topics but cathartic nonetheless.

I went all-in with the taps & crinkles with this one. The aluminum foil was probably a bridge too far but I liked it folded over itself. It also just sounded better in person.

I think the visuals are some of the best I’ve done yet. I placed my camera on my desk and adjusted the height so that it was just right. I think I need to work on the mic positioning though.

This video is the last I make with my old Behringer UMC202 audio interface. I purchased a new interface and I’m really pleased with it. Supporters can listen to the follow-up ramble where I talk about my audio equipment early on Patreon!

One response to “Egee’s Up-Close Crinkles & Tappies”

  1. jimbop Avatar

    A whole hour of Egee content… AMAZING!!! :3 i love this vid so much, you’re doing an incredible job Egee!!!

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