Sevastopol Egee Sutures Your Wound.

Hello again Flufferschnoots! Egee has heard your pleas and is bringing back possibly the most requested roleplay of them all.

It pleases me that this roleplay remains popular because it’s one of my most earnest. I put a lot of work into the performance! Most of the sounds were created on the spot (instead of edited-in). The delightful “tearing” sound was a paper towel I had sitting on my desk. I don’t improvise every item or sound but this one came together perfectly.

I typically write about the “behind-the-scenes” as rewards for my Flufferschnoots. If you’d like to support me on Ko-fi or Patreon, there are posts on each platform!

I hope you enjoy this re-release. Thank you all so much for your enduring support. It brings me much joy to bring these to you. šŸ’™

7 responses to “Sevastopol Egee Sutures Your Wounds!”

  1. magnus Avatar

    I luve you Egee :3

  2. Linzolle Avatar

    I like this one a lot since the actual roleplay aspect of it just feels so natural, it’s nice and doesn’t just feel like Egee is talking to himself haha

    1. Thank you! I hear that a lot about this one. Improvising roleplays can be a challenge but the performance is always better it seems!

      1. Turmel Avatar

        Will you be releasing the third entry on here or fix the link on patreon?

        1. Both! I plan to re-release all my works here and fix the links on Patreon.

          The challenging part is finding time to go through my backups and upload the things.

  3. Mail Avatar

    Iā€™m curious, will you be releasing the part three or fix the link on patreon.

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